The Best Liquid Organic Fertilizer You’ve Never Heard Of Is Black Soldier Fly Frass

The Best Liquid Organic Fertilizer You’ve Never Heard Of Is Black Soldier Fly Frass

Liquid organic fertilizers are a key element in sustainable farming due to their ability to deliver essential nutrients directly to plants.

While options like compost tea and vegetable water are common, black soldier fly frass offers a nutrient-dense and innovative alternative.

This guide explores how using black soldier fly frass as a liquid organic fertilizer can transform sustainable agriculture by enhancing plant health, improving soil quality, and addressing waste management, providing a more efficient and eco-friendly approach than traditional methods.

What is Black Soldier Fly Frass?

BSF frass is the residue left behind after black soldier fly larvae digest organic material.

This byproduct is not just waste; it’s packed with nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK), and trace minerals like zinc and magnesium, making it ideal for promoting plant growth.

Unlike traditional fertilizers, BSF frass is a complete package, offering organic matter along with the added benefit of insect-derived nutrients that contribute to soil health.

Why Use BSF Frass as Liquid Organic Fertilizer?

  • Nutrient-Rich: BSF frass contains a high concentration of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, which is crucial for leaf growth. Unlike some traditional fertilizers that may lack essential micronutrients, BSF frass provides a balanced mix of nutrients that can meet plants’ needs across different growth stages.
  • Soil Health: BSF frass enhances soil structure by adding organic matter, which improves soil aeration, water retention, and microbial activity. The rich presence of chitin in frass promotes healthy root systems, as it fosters beneficial microbes that suppress harmful pathogens.
  • Waste Management: Using BSF frass as a fertilizer contributes to waste reduction. The larvae consume organic waste, such as food scraps and agricultural byproducts, and turn it into a nutrient-rich product. This closed-loop system creates a circular economy in which waste is converted into valuable resources.

How to Make Liquid Organic Fertilizer with BSF Frass

Creating a BSF frass-based liquid fertilizer is simple and follows the same principles as other liquid organic fertilizers.

The process involves extracting the nutrients from the frass and creating a concentrated liquid that can be applied directly to the plants.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own BSF frass liquid fertilizer:


  • 1 kg of black soldier fly frass
  • 10 liters of water
  • Optional: Molasses or sugar to accelerate microbial activity

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Mix the Ingredients: In a large container, combine 1 kg of BSF frass with 10 liters of water. Stir the mixture well to ensure the frass is evenly distributed.
  2. Fermentation: Let the mixture sit for 3-7 days in a shaded area. Stir it daily to keep the solids suspended in the liquid. During this time, the nutrients from the frass will leach into the water, creating a nutrient-rich liquid.
  3. Strain the Mixture: After a week, strain the liquid using a fine mesh or cheesecloth to remove any solid particles. The remaining liquid is your concentrated BSF frass fertilizer.
  4. Dilution: Before applying it to your plants, dilute the fertilizer. A 1:10 ratio of fertilizer to water is ideal for most plants, but you can adjust the concentration depending on your plants’ needs.
  5. Application: Apply the liquid directly to the base of the plants, avoiding the leaves. You can use it as a foliar spray in some cases but be cautious with the concentration to avoid leaf burn.

Benefits of Using BSF Frass Liquid Fertilizer Over Traditional Methods

1. Faster Nutrient Uptake

Liquid fertilizers, including BSF frass-based ones, are absorbed quickly by plants. This fast nutrient delivery is particularly beneficial during critical growth stages like flowering and fruiting, where nutrient demand peaks.

2. Enhanced Soil Microbial Activity

BSF frass is rich in chitin, a natural polymer found in insect exoskeletons. Chitin promotes the growth of beneficial microbes in the soil, enhancing plant resistance to diseases and pests. These microbes break down organic matter, releasing nutrients over time, which supports long-term soil fertility.

3. Sustainability and Circular Economy

Using BSF frass liquid fertilizer contributes to a sustainable farming ecosystem. Since BSF larvae consume waste materials, this method reduces landfill waste and methane emissions, addressing both nutrient recycling and waste management.

4. Cost-Effective

For farmers using black soldier fly systems, BSF frass is a low-cost fertilizer. Instead of purchasing commercial fertilizers, you can produce BSF frass in-house as part of your waste management strategy, cutting down on expenses and creating a zero-waste system.

How BSF Frass Compares to Other Organic Liquid Fertilizers

Compost Tea

Compost tea is a popular organic fertilizer that offers a broad spectrum of nutrients. However, compost tea lacks the concentration of key nutrients found in BSF frass.

While compost tea may enrich the soil microbiome, BSF frass provides more immediate nutrient delivery and long-term soil health benefits.

Banana Peel Tea

Banana peel tea is another common liquid fertilizer, prized for its high potassium content. However, it doesn’t provide the comprehensive NPK balance that BSF frass offers.

While banana peel tea is excellent for promoting flowering and fruiting, BSF frass supports overall plant health throughout the growth cycle.

Epsom Salt Solution

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is often used to correct magnesium deficiencies in plants.

However, it lacks the nitrogen and phosphorus that are critical for plant growth. BSF frass, on the other hand, is a more balanced fertilizer, offering a complete package of essential nutrients, including magnesium.

Additional Tips for Optimizing BSF Frass Fertilizer

  • Regular Application: For best results, apply BSF frass liquid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks, depending on the plant’s needs. Regular application ensures a steady supply of nutrients, promoting vigorous growth.
  • Combine with Mulching: Enhance the effects of your BSF frass fertilizer by mulching your plants. Mulching reduces water evaporation and maintains a stable root environment, improving nutrient uptake.
  • Monitor Soil pH: While BSF frass is generally pH neutral, it’s good practice to monitor your soil’s pH levels, especially if you’re growing pH-sensitive crops. You can adjust the fertilizer’s concentration based on the pH levels in your soil to ensure optimal plant growth.

Conclusion: Why BSF Frass Liquid Fertilizer is the Future

By using black soldier fly frass as a liquid organic fertilizer, you’re not only enhancing your plant’s growth but also contributing to a sustainable future.

This nutrient-packed fertilizer offers better nutrient absorption, improves soil health, and supports a circular economy by recycling organic waste.

As awareness of BSF frass grows, it’s poised to become a vital tool in sustainable agriculture.

If you’re ready to take your farming to the next level, incorporating BSF frass into your fertilizing routine can offer impressive results.

Make the switch to black soldier fly frass liquid fertilizer and watch your plants thrive!

Watch this video to see what a frass looks like!

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